Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Race Number One 2011

Sunday- race one of the North Island Mountain Bike Series in Tauranga seemed to be a good race to test the body as to where I am at to re-evaluate the injury status situation. 

I went into the race not knowing what to expect but hopeful of a good outcome. The overall goal was to finish the race and the position would be what it would be. 

The course was hard and steep and not the best suited course for a first race to see where I am at. The steepness of the climb at race pace took its toll on my back and turns out I may need an adjustment to the training and more time.  

I managed to complete 3 of the 5 laps and with no referred pain. I stopped to be lapped at the end of the 3rd lap. My back was aching unlike anything I have had riding before and I couldn't stand up after sitting or sit after standing. My back would just not bend. At the top of the climb on the 3rd lap I stopped for a short while to stretch and try and get my back to settle and allow my legs to respond. Unhappy about pulling out of a race but I see doing what I can as a huge benefit so as much of an excuse it is, it is not something I would like to get used to.

Good news is I recovered relatively quick, although a warm down was a no go, I was uncomfortable throughout the rest of the day but recovered well the following day to be back on the bike training again by Tuesday. 

Training will be changing to add in effort sessions to load up on my back and allow recovery time to get used to using the mussels at pace and building up my strength in my legs and back. 

The plan looks like I will be continuing to race but re- evaluating  training, recovery, and racing after each race and taking from each race what I can.  

There has been much improvement so all in all it is progress! :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

Daily Post Article- "Back in saddle after tough year"

The Daily Post article outlined the other side of being an athlete that every athlete would face at least once throughout their sporting career. 
It hard when something that is such a huge part of your life is taken away, in any sense not just in sport. But as an athlete is becomes even harder as time goes on when nothing physical is substituted for that time and when physical exercise in general is a no go. 
You learn that is life, get over it and move on. 
Now after dealing with the worst it, my back injury is manageable and I am moving forward.
To read the Daily Post article, click here

New Gears!

TIME MXS Mountain Bike shoes
Huge thanks to TIME for helping me out with some super sweet mountain bike shoes. 
Set-up is always an issue when it comes to racing and new shoes meant I would be able to get my set-up right.
Also thanks to my older brother, Clinton Avery who spent some time helping me to set up the cleats right on his 'cleat set-up mechanism' :) 
Wooden set-up:
Hand crafted by Clinton Avery
A rather interesting device that he build himself the does the trick fantastically. 
It works by having the ball of your forefoot on the very top of the gap in the middle of the wood plate you feet sit on. Then when your shoes are on, you are able to mark the optimum place as to where your cleats would go. 
Thanks also to Ant at The Physiotherapy Clinic for setting me up with some primo new orthotics. All set to go now.