Support through physical development with testing, coaching and injury management.
Study support- the opportunity to study as a full time student and manage training and racing as a priority. 

Ride the best to be the best! Based in auckland distributing into bike shops all over New Zealand, if you want to ride a bike that will make you ride ride like you have never riden before, find a dealer near you... 

For all your photocopying needs see the guys and gals at Konica Minolta. Thanks for all the support!

For absolute rehabilitation, the physiotherapy clinic is on the right track. Sorting me out with a good recovery programme when injured, they do a great job getting me back to tip top race shape. Thanks for all the support when my body breaks down :)

Thank you to TIME for helping me out with some primo mountain bike shoes and pedals to help correct my position on the bike and take the stress off my back :)